Thuglet will be 6 months old tomorrow! 6 months...a very merry half birthday to him!
After 6 months of motherhood I feel like I am finally getting the hang out it. I know what he wants when he gets upset. I can tell when he is sleepy or hungry. I can make him smile like no one else can.
It is fabulous. But this post isn't about the joys of motherhood. This is about all the crap that accompanies motherhood that is conveniently left out during discussions of motherhood.
Such as me...where did I go? I am not me anymore. I am some weird morphed version of myself. I knew having a child would change me, but sometimes I feel unrecognizable.
Is it the lack of sleep? No wonder people can use sleep deprivation as a form of is. I can feel myself slipping away the more sleep I miss out on. I have never been sleep deprived before and I hate it.
I hate getting up several times during the night.
I hate not being able to finish my sentences because I can't remember what I was saying.
I hate that I find items in random spots around the house not remembering how they ended up there (a case of canned refried beans were found in the fridge after I put the groceries away).
I hate even when I have time to sleep my mind is so wound up it is hard to find my way to Sleepy Town.
Bottom line...sleep deprivation sucks.
The parts of my life I once held dear are hibernating.
I canceled my gym membership a month ago and it was as though I let a part of myself go. I didn't realize how much I identified myself with the gym.
My quilting has suffered tremendously, which is to be expected. However, just in the last week I have finally started sewing again. It has felt great!
I used to cook and bake with the best of them. Now it is hard to find the time or the motivation.
My body is still not back to what it was. The muscle control and elasticity of my girly region hasn't returned. You gotta love leaking a little pee here and there when you laugh, sneeze, cough or whatever triggers it. Good times!
It only makes it harder to deal with when I look at Husby's life and it barely seems affected by the arrival of our child. He still does all of those things he used to do or so it seems. I know things have changed for him too, but not nearly as drastically.
I know that one day I will feel more like myself even though motherhood has permanently changed me (for the better I believe), but it is hard to wait for one day. Despite all my bitching and moaning, I love that little 6 month old more than I ever thought possible and wouldn't ever to go back to not being a mom.