What should I use to clean the poop?
What type of diapers should I use?
Did he poop too much?
Did he poop too little?
Is that what the poop is supposed to look/smell like?
Poop, poop, poop.... apparently birthing a child also rewires your brain to have intense concern for poop!
For example, G's poop was little runnier than normal. So being the extremely worrisome person I am, I freaked out. What if he has diarrhea, becomes dehydrated and dies? (Yes, these are the ridiculous thoughts that enter my brain now)
So I spend the next three hours on the phone calling the advice nurse and any other mother who will listen to me. Then I schedule an appointment for the next day. Of course G doesn't poop like that anymore. I go to the doctor to be told it was just something I ate and no worries. Good times!
Then to make sure to really stick it to me, G didn't poop for another 24 hours. And what did I do? Freak out again!...What if he has a blockage?
However, this time I didn't call for an appointment. He has regulated his bowel movements since then, but don't you kid yourself I am still completely concerned with all of them.
Trifolds, prefolds, all-in-ones, pocket...and the list goes on. Also, there are one-size fits all and different sizes for different ages.

We didn't use any of the diapers until he was about a week old because we didn't want to worry about the meconium. Its creepy. So far the diapers are working out very well. We didn't order enough shells or pads to begin with but I have remedied that. There are few issues that I have come across since starting them.

1. Make sure you have at least four wetbags to store the used diapers till they are washed. (Easy to make)
2. Use tea tree oil to fight against yeast and bacteria. (Found it at Spouts)
3. Make sure to have at least 16 shells and 24 pads, so you are not doing laundry twice a day!
Also, the shells are so cute! Sometimes I even use them to create outfits. So fun!
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