On Wednesday night I was thinking "lets get this baby out," so we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and I loaded on a lot of spicy salsa. I was hopping to get a little action but both husby and I were pretty tired. Went to bed around 9:30 thinking about Valentine's day and how I really had nothing planned.
Around 1:30am I woke up feeling a little wompty but nothing too crazy. I used the bathroom and then went back to bed. At 2:00 am I woke up again and this time I felt a little worse so I figured, instead of waking up Husby I would go out to the living room and suffer through my discomfort. At this point I was completely unaware that I would be having a baby in about 5 hours. By 2:30 I started feeling like the discomfort, which felt like mild menstrual cramps, was getting more consistent. I called the hospital reported my situation and was told to see where it led.
By 4:15, the cramps were very intense and occurring every 3 - 5 minutes. The only thing that made me feel better was pacing around the house. At 4:20, I woke up Husby and told him he probably shouldn't go to work because I think I am in labor. I also called Auntie Bree who was going to help coach me along during the labor and delivery. I let her know that it might be happening today. At 5:30, Husby called the hospital and they said to give them a call in a few hours. Most first time moms have a long drawn out labor so it wasn't imperative that I get to the hospital right away. Husby told me they said to wait another hour and I figured they knew what they were talking about.
For the next forty-five minutes I paced around the house and Husby started packing up the car. Since the baby wasn't due for another 9 days we hadn't taken care of a few details like the car seat installation of packing Husby's bad. At 6:15, I started feeling a new sensation - the need to push. I told Husby "get the car started we are going to the hospital." The car ride was the worst. I couldn't pace. I suffered through 7 or 8 contractions on the car ride over. After arriving we were put in a room so the midwife could check my progress. I could hear Auntie Bree waiting outside the room until they confirmed I was going to be admitted. At this point, I was so exhausted and was just hoping I was at 8 cm dialated. I had been planning on going au natural with this birth, but was worried if I wasn't past 8 cm that I couldn't handle anymore pain. My fears were unnecessary. The midwife did her check and exclaimed "there is no cervix; you are completed." Well, I had no idea what that meant so I asked "how many centimeters am I?" She said "10 cm!" Before I could process anything another contraction hit me and I needed to get out of the bed. I was told to sit in the wheel chair but I declined, asking to be shown the room so I could walk there. Walking was my only solace at this point.

The end result was the most beautiful child I have ever laid eyes on: Great Prescott Sandoval. He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 19.5 in long. My best Valentine's Day present.
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