I decided that the girls and I should get together for a little happy hour after work today. It has been a long week and we haven't gotten to hang out. So it was organized...
I got to the restaurant first and scored us a table on the patio away from all the other patrons. This is important because we are loud and sometimes inappropriate. We congregated, ordered drinks and started to unwind from the long week. It was so great...and then an older couple decided to sit at the table right next to us. It was open seating in an area with twenty five other open tables. Why sit next to a group of five women who are drinking?
So at first we don't notice this couple and continue on with our awesome conversation, which touched upon topics such as, sex (of course), the minute details of laser hair removal, husbands, and baby making. Of course there was foul language and inappropriate comments. However, our table neighbors started turning around and looking at us. This made us more aware of our topics and volume. By the end of the meal we were getting death stares from this couple.
I started feeling bad. Were we ruining their meal? Should we stop? Or leave? As I was getting up to leave I almost apologized. Then I realized that we were having a good time and it is not my fault they decided to seat at the table directly adjacent and ease drop. And another thing...have you ever noticed that when people are not enjoying their meal they get upset with anybody else who is? It is not my fault that you two have been together so long that you no longer enjoy each others company. Uhhhh....stop with the hating.
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