Today was officially the first day of vacation! It was awesome to spend the whole day with Thuglet.
I was able to cross a very important item off my summer "to do" list and continued with "Organization 2013".
This morning Thuglet refused to sleep on his own (he ended up in my bed) so I wasn't able to finish completely organizing his room, but it is getting close.
Finally, our room is free of his stuff. I just have to put a few finishing touches on the new layout and he is set.
Thuglet is boycotting naps right now so most of the morning was spent placating him, but I was able to get his diapers and all of his cloth play things clean.
After he finally woke up we headed out. The big TO DO today was to get his birth certificate and the grant deed to the house. He is OFFICIAL!!
After the visiting the county recorder's office we headed to Costco (yes, again!). It is time for me to start making some of those recipes I have pinned!
My little Costco Buddy!
The dinner plan:
Sprouts followed Costco and Thuglet was such a great little helper. He battled until we were on our way home and then he had had enough.
Fortunately after some quality time with the girls (booby milk), he cooperated with the preparation of dinner and Husby arrived to take over the Thuglet supervision.
The spicy avocado chicken enchiladas were awesome. Definitely a keeper!
Thuglet took his bath and I read him the Grouchy Ladybug and he settled in for the night.
Pikachu spent the rest of the evenings with us, destroying everything she could get her little needle-teeth on.
It was a great day!