The saddest moment in my experience of my son's life so far...his shots.
The two month appointment was great up until that point.
He is growing consistent with his curve: 15 percentile for weight and 50 percentile for height.
He is strong and healthy and then they mention the vaccines. Thuglet was going to receive eight different vaccines: one orally and three as injections.
The oral one he didn't really like but tolerated. Moment of truth time! I am a little queasy so I just looked at Thuglet's face and tried to distract him.
"A little pinch" the nurse said. He made a weird face and then BAMMMM...he broke down. I have never even heard him cry like that in his life. (yes, I know his life has been very short but still)
And of course, I started crying. I couldn't help it. He was so sad. They hit him twice in the left thigh and once in the right thigh. He was upset the whole time.
He was able to calm down in about 10 minutes and after some good nursing. The rest of the day he was sleepy or upset. I did purchase a Moby Wrap right after we left the appointment and that was a Godsend. The Moby allowed me to do skin-to-skin and he slept very well.
I cold have written this! It was a scream like I've never heard before! I just held her little hands and looked at the floor. But it was so funny because as soon as we left the injection room she was happy as a clam just smiling away! She also slept the rest of the day. Great is so cute.