Well, at this point I am six months and ready to create his nursery for him. It is probably the most exciting thing about this whole experience!!! (Yes, it is magical to create life but come on having the opportunity to make a new room...so fun!)
I am going with a yellow, gray, and white color scheme with accents of anything. The yellow was chosen because we already painted the room a very pale yellow. White is always fresh and classic and gray is pretty great too. So here is the first installment of baby boy's nursery creation.
My first step in the nursery was making the chevron wall. I love chevron!

At this point I have a desk that I need to sand, prime and paint; it will be the main dresser. I started the project but my sander broke so I am waiting for the new one to arrive. After the desk is put in, I will start hanging and organizing the ridiculousness that is the closet.
I have picked up a few little trinkets to hang in the room.
A great friend of mine gave me all of these super cute accessories that I know will look adorable in his room.
His GG (grandma) made him this quilt before he was even a growing babe.
And last but not least...my babysteals.com find (SO STINKING CUTE).