Husby and I celebrated 5 years of marriage this last weekend. We booked a room at the Hilton and left the baby with his Grand (maternal Grandma). We got almost a whole 24 hours of no baby. It was very fun. We arrived at the hotel and there was a party going on at the Hard Rock Sunday Intervention.
You know you are a crazy partier when you get your kicks watching other people going to a party. People watching from our room was awesome. We saw several "walks of shame" or rather "stumbles of shame," and all these dudes and girls wearing their bathing suits downtown San Diego.
We don't have cable so one of the greatest things about staying in a hotel is laying in bed watching mindless shows that we don't have to access to at home, like MTV Ridiculousness. Unfortunately, even if Thuglet was with his Grand my boobs were still in action. While watching some mindless program I had to pump. Thuglet needed the milk for another day.
After pumping, we headed out for our big night on the town. We headed to Eastern Tavern and Bowl. Keep in mind it is only 5:30 pm and it was like a ghost town...better for us. We ordered our drinks...cider for me. We ended up playing 5 games, which resulted in a ridiculous amount of soreness, had a great time and headed back to the hotel at 9:00. That's right, getting crazy and staying out until 9:00!

Back at the hotel I had to wait for another hour to pump so the milk was usable. I made sure the timing and the drinking worked out. (breastfeeding mother issues). It was the first night I have slept more than 4 hours straight and it was glorious. The only problem was I had to get up in the middle of the night and pump again. Pumping in the middle night is hat is off to all woman who exclusively pump. Slept for another 5 hours and woke up refreshed. Add one more pumping session and we checked out. The hotel didn't have a refrigerator so we had to improvise. The ice bucket makes for great milk storage.
Went to breakfast and then headed home!